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Tag: pointing

Articles tagged as Pointing

The Shortest Way to a Text Link Ads Success

Posted on October 6, 2022 by Rudy Bowne
Since Google appeared, and became typically the most popular and sometimes used internet search engine, things changed in the ´search engine industry´, because the websites started out to be ranked following the amount of sites that associated with them.It would appear that Google considers every link that points to 1 site a vote for this.Then, the ´link inserting industry´ appeared, text link advertising started out to be bought and sold, but this is not what Google was planning, Therefore the search engines began to filter the websites, trying to split up those with paid text links from those which ´earned´ themIt really is of course,much much easier to provide a high ranking to your website (the amount of links pointing to 1 site determines that site`s `page ranking` ,which is vital for the various search engines) with paid text link ads, then to do search engine marketing...

Don't Focus Too Much on Your Internet Business Website Ranking

Posted on August 4, 2021 by Rudy Bowne
No doubt, having a higher search engine results positioning is essential to a house business owner since it increase their business revenue.Much money have already been spend on seo software, books, ebook and SEO services to be able to get yourself a high ranking website.The goal of each webmaster because of their website would be to have the HIGHEST ranking obtainable in google.However, the algorithm of Google kept changing in fact it is no easy task to attain that status...